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We share these brain tumor facts to show the urgency of our fight. Everything we do makes a positive difference. See our Impact and join our fight.
Brain Tumor Facts
Today, more than 1 million Americans are living with a primary brain tumor. An estimated 94,000 people will be diagnosed in 2025.
Of those diagnosed, approximately
- 72% are benign; Meningioma is the most common form, accounting for
- 40% of all tumors
- 55.4% of all benign tumors
- 28% are malignant; Glioblastoma is the most common form, accounting for
- 14.2% of all tumors
- 50.1% of all malignant tumors
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children ages 0-14
In Connecticut, data shows a rising trend of brain tumor incidence. That’s why CTBTA is committed to making our state a premiere center for brain tumor research and treatment.
For more brain tumor facts, see the National Brain Tumor Society and StateCancerProfiles.cancer.gov.