In 1997 I experienced a grand mal seizure and was hospitalized. I had two surgeries that year. My husband was by my side the entire time and my daughter was in a daze. 2004-2005 I started chemo and my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I broke my tibia and fibula and had to go on Temodar. It worked. My daughter came down with Crohn's disease and the dog died. My father and brother in law died in fire . . . I could go on and on. I know that Jesus kept me going. The one thing I want now is to go to Hartford Hospital for possible treatment with the Trilogy. You see, the tumor came back in November of 2008. I did not say anything because I had to wait until my daughter finished her finals. I then went to Duke and had surgery. Same grade, same diagnosis. I spent the last year on chemo but now it is back again. I am going to Massachusetts General Hospital this Wednesday to see what they can offer in terms of radiation, but I know in my heart that the best place for me is Hartford Hospital.
- Submitted by Pat