Patient & Caregiver Toolkit
Empower yourself with the resources and support you need throughout your brain tumor experience in the patient and caregiver toolkit provided by the National Brain Tumor Society.
Blogapy chronicles Tracey Gamer-Fanning’s brain tumor journey and her “unbelievable life.”
Grey Matters
Grey Matters, a blog by CTBTA Executive Director Chris Cusano on his life after a brain tumor diagnosis.
Grief and Emotional Wellness
Grief Intelligence is a blog written by Ashley Davis Bush, LCSW, helps caregivers and family members understand the ongoing nature of grief, the continued relationship with their loved one, and the ability to transcend grief.
Returning to Work
The American Brain Tumor Association, in partnership with Triage Cancer, provides the following publication, Returning to Work after a Brain Tumor Diagnosis, to help brain tumor patients navigate returning to work and basic employment issues.
In Healthy Living: Coping with a Traumatic Brain Injury, Heather Turner, a speech-language pathologist and ABI support group facilitator at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, offers guidance on how to help those with a traumatic or acquired brain injury in social situations.
Telling Your Children You Have Cancer
The Cleveland Clinic offers strategies and advice on how to tell your kids that you have cancer.
Things I Wish I'd Known: Cancer Caregivers Speak Out
Family caregivers are the unsung heroes of the life-saving drama that's triggered by a cancer diagnosis. Nearly three quarters of American households will find themselves caring for a cancer patient at one point in their lives. This book is the first to capture their thoughts, feelings, and insights on a large scale. It features interviews with 86 cancer-patient caregivers, includingcurrent and former CTBTA Board Members.